the dream... could die

by theSpiritOfswiM

We all want respect. You want it from your teammates, from the fans. You want it from other players. There’s a milion ways to get respect, but there’s only one way to get the kind of respect that is undeniable, the kind that can never take away from you: Win


There is so many emotions at the end of the season. And nobody likes to talk about it, but one of them is fear. Fear that you could come this far, and it could all end. The dream could die. But me, I like the fear. It means I’m close. It means I’m ready.


I have dreamed about winning it all since I was probably seven years old. We all want respect. You want it from your teammates, from the fans. You want it from other players. I remember seeing Magic win it all, I remember seen Olajuwon, I remember seen Pippen, I remember seen Dr J, I remember seen Jordan, Jordan, Jordan. I remember seen Bird win it all. There is so many emotions at the end of the season. And nobody likes to talk about it, but one of them is fear. Fear that you have come this far, and it could all end. The dream could die. There is a milion ways to get respect, but there’s only one way to get the kind of respect that is undeniable, the kind that can never take away from you: WIN

I´m ready

1 opiniones:

. dijo...

¡Para que luego no dejen de bombardearnos con el tópico: "lo importante es participar"! Jeje...

Más que una forma de ganarse el respeto de los demás, pienso que ganar es un medio infalible para subir la autoestima y ayudarnos a querernos a nosotros mismos un poco más.

Un beso!